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100+ Incredible Ideas to Conserve Water at Home [A Life-Changing Guide]

You must have heard the phrase that World War 3 will be fought for Water. Well, this mere quote can turn into a reality if we keep wasting water like we are doing now.

Water is the most important resource that we have on this planet. Without it, life wouldn’t have been possible. It is one of the biggest causes for our existence. Still! Humans seem to have forgotten that fact and are wasting water as if there is an infinite source of it.

Hours Research
Amazing Ways to Save Water

Need To Conserve The Water

When we talk about conserving water, we are talking about freshwater that we use for drinking. Everyone knows that there is tons of water in the oceans but we can’t use it for our survival.

What we do have is a limited amount of fresh water. The freshwater we use today has been there on this planet for lakhs of years. It is the same water that gets recycled in the evaporation cycle.

So, there is no increase in its quantity. But, with the sudden boom in the Human population, the competition for fresh drinking water has increased tremendously.

Main Reason for Water Scarcity

The amount of fresh water on this planet has remained constant for ages but the number of consumers has increased leading to improper distribution of this resource among the consumers.

Even though the earth may seem blue from space, there is only 2.5% fresh water and the rest is all salty ocean water. And within the 2.5% only less than 1% can be accessed by humans.

This means that there is only 0.007% of all water present on this planet that can be used by humans to survive. This number is too small considering the human population of 7 Billion. 

So, constant conflicts to hold possession of this resource are bound to happen among people.

What we do have is a limited amount of fresh water. The freshwater we use today has been there on this planet for lakhs of years. It is the same water that gets recycled in the evaporation cycle.

So, there is no increase in its quantity. But, with the sudden boom in the Human population, the competition for fresh drinking water has increased tremendously.

1. Unequal Distribution Of Water

The competition for water resources is the major factor in the scarcity of water. And factors such as Geography and Climate act as a catalyst for it. Earth is a vast planet with all types of geographies and climates. This means that not all regions can have the same amount of fresh water. This has led to a phenomenon where the countries which are geographically drier areas and have seen a boost in the population are facing water scarcity. 

Meanwhile, there are places where the population is low but due to climatic and geographical reasons, they have an abundance of freshwater but no one to share with. Even though the earth may seem blue from space, there is only 2.5% fresh water and the rest is all salty ocean water. And within the 2.5% only less than 1% can be accessed by humans. This means that there is only 0.007% of all water present on this planet that can be used by humans to survive. This number is too small considering the human population of 7 Billion.

So, constant conflicts to hold possession of this resource are bound to happen among people.  What we do have is a limited amount of fresh water. The freshwater we use today has been there on this planet for lakhs of years. It is the same water that gets recycled in the evaporation cycle. So, there is no increase in its quantity. But, with the sudden boom in the Human population, the competition for fresh drinking water has increased tremendously.

Humans Need Water

Why humans are fighting for water is simply because we can’t survive without it. 60% of our human body is water itself. And there are other important uses of water in our day to day life which help us to stay in a pleasant environment.

Yet, humans have taken this resource too lightly and still have not realized the need to conserve it. 

In a research by the United Nations, it has been found that since the last century the water consumption has increased by twice the rate of population. And if this continues then around 2025, almost 2 billion people will be living in areas that would not have sufficient freshwater.

This is high time for a global movement for the need to conserve water. And every individual has to take part in it for the survival of our species in the future.

You have to start the conservation moment in your home first and it should be done unconditionally for a better cause.


Water Conservation in Kitchen

The place where most of the water is wasted in our homes is the kitchen. It is the most vulnerable place where a great amount of water can be wasted on a daily basis if we don’t be serious. That’s why following some easy and obvious methods can help you save a lot of water from being wasted.

1. Leaks

1. Repair Any Leaks Instantly


A kitchen is a place where a lot of appliances and stuff such as pipes are being used every day. And these items are always prone to water leakage which if not repaired within time can be a great cause for water being wasted.

2. Dishes

2. Wash Dishes Correctly

Many people wash dishes under running tap water. But, this leads to wastage of water unnecessarily. This can be avoided by washing the dishes in a small tub of soapy water. You can use a brush or sponge to remove the dirt manually instead of using the force of tap water.

3. Pan/ Pot Size Should Be Appropriate

People have a perspective that big things work well. Which leads to them buying larger pans and pots even if they don’t require them. The larger pans require more water and hence should be avoided if possible.

3. Dishwasher

4. Dishwasher Should Be Used Properly

Using a dishwasher instead of hand washing can save a lot of water. But, you need to be cautious while using this device. Make sure to run the dishwasher only when it is full. Never run it when it is not fully loaded. Following this method will help you save electricity and detergent as well.

5.  Skip Pre-Rinsing of Dishes


Many dishwashers in the market currently cannot directly wash the dirty dishes. So, the users need to pre-rinse it before putting it in the machine. This causes a lot of wastage of water. You can stop this wastage of water by scraping the surface of the dishes to remove the heavier dirt instead of using the flow of water.

4. Faucets

6. Regulate the Flow of Tap Water


Many times water is wasted due to the automatic force of water which we get in our taps. You can use a thing called flow controlled aerator to regulate the flow of water in the tap. This will help in reducing the flow of water and you will be able to regulate the force according to your convenience.

7. Using a Sprayer in the Faucet

The faucets in the kitchen have a good force of water similar to a tap. There is a huge water waste because a large amount of water is being thrown out of the faucet even for the minute purpose. So, it’s better to regulate that using a sprayer. This will help you regulate the speed of the water coming out of the faucet and hence will save a lot of unnecessary water wastage.

5. Cooking

8. Steam Veggies Instead of Boiling

If possible try to steam the vegetables and fruits as steaming requires way less water than boiling. And it even helps in retaining more nutrients.

9. Start Reusing Cooking Water

Water used for boiling items such as pasta can be used in many ways instead of being thrown in the drain. Once it dries down, start using that water in your garden or for any other thing which may require hot water.

10. Cook with Less Water

Do you know that cooking with less water actually increased the taste of your food? This fact may give you motivation for using less water while cooking. In this way, you will save lots of water in the long run.

11. Don’t Throw Away Water Used For Washing Veggies


Throwing away the left-out water after washing veggies and fruits results in water wastage. You can use that water for watering the plants.

12. Don’t Waste Food


Wasting food items also leads to some amount of water wastage. And we should respect the food that we have anyways. So, it’s better not to waste any food and eat only the required amount.

13. Don’t Let Kitchen Spills Gather


The kitchen is a very busy place where frequent spills are bound to happen. You should clean it asap. Otherwise, kitchen spills when not cleaned leads to frequent mopping of the floor. And it causes water wastage. 

14. Try To Eat More Vegetarian Foods

Plant Farming consumes much less water than Animal Farming. And becoming vegetarian is also nowadays being heavily promoted.

15. Reduce Eating Processed Food

By reducing the amount of processed food intake, you not only reduce the water wasted during their manufacturing but also help your body to stay fit and healthy.

6. Others

16. Use Refrigerator For Cold Water

If you have frequent cravings for cold water then make sure to fill bottles in the refrigerator well in advance. Many people keep the tap running to get rid of the hot water which gets collected at the top of the water tank. This leads to a lot of water wastage so it’s better to use a refrigerator instead.

17. Buy Water Efficient Appliances

There are a lot of appliances in the kitchen and almost all of them require water at some stage of operation. So, instead of buying a classy and aesthetical appliance that wastes water. It is better to buy an appliance which conserves it.

18. Never Keep The Tap Open While Working

People often have a habit of keeping the tap open when they are working in the kitchen. This results in a lot of water waste. Make sure to close the tap whenever you don’t need it.

19. Make Use of Dropped Ice- Cubes

People often throw away the dropped ice cubes. But, it’s better to just place them in any plant pot. Nature will take care of the rest.

20. Shift to Plant-Based Milk

Did you know that cow’s milk has the highest water footprint among animals? So, it’s better to shift towards plant-based milk such as Soy milk & Oats Milk. These have very little water footprint.


Water Conservation in Bathroom

After the kitchen, the second place where we waste water the most is the bathroom. But, with just a few tweaks, we can save a lot of water from getting wasted.

1. Showers

1. Reduce Water Wastage While Bathing

There are many people who just love staying in the shower for hours. This leads to a huge amount of water being wasted unnecessarily. You can reduce the wastage of water by reducing the time you take to bath. Although it’s a subjective thing, everyone knows what amount of time under the shower is enough for them and when they are overstepping. So, take a pledge and reduce your time in the shower.

2. Stop Opening Tap For Fun

People have a habit of opening the water tap just for fun. This process triggers the flow of dopamine in our brain which is why it becomes addictive. So, please try to be patient while in the bathroom and stop playing with the tap.

3. If Possible Shower With a Bucket

Although, it may sound like old age. This method helps to save a lot of water. Many people who are serious about water conservation are already doing it. You can do it too and help in this great cause of water conservation.

4. Skip Showering When Possible

This may sound a little lame but many lazy dudes are already helping in saving water by not showering occasionally. You should give them a hand and try to skip showers whenever possible. This way of conserving water is mainly practiced on colder days.

5. Use a Watersense Certified Showerhead

Just like your faucet, the flow of water in the showerhead needs to be regulated too. Using an ordinary showerhead causes a great amount of water wastage due to no flow of water. You can hence use a water sense certified showerhead which can regulate the flow of water according to your needs.

6. User Bar Soap Over Shower Gel

It is completely an individual’s choice to make. If you are highly concerned about limiting your water waste then using bar soap instead of shower gel can be a really great idea as you need more water to rinse off the shower gel.

7. Try Installing Steam Shower

Steam showers are slowly gaining huge popularity in the market. They not only provide a much better experience than normal traditional showers but also help in conserving a great deal of water. You can try it in your bathroom.

8. Stop the Shower While Washing Hair

It is always a good step to reduce the wastage of water if you are stopping the shower while washing your hair. These small steps compound to a big amount during the course of time.

9. Use Bath Tubs for Bathing

If you are the kind of person who cannot live without bathing and is unable to skip baths can use bathtubs occasionally. Bathing in half-filled bathtubs reduces the wastage of water that occurs during showers.

10. Install Water Heater


Installing a good-quality water heater helps you to quickly get into the shower instead of playing with taps while waiting for the water to be heated. This frequent opening of taps without use during the waiting period causes a great wastage of water which can be stopped by having a water heater.

2. Toilets

11. Don’t Flush Items


People have found various ways to skip the process of doing an activity. In short, people have become lazier. Flushing of items such as paper, tissues, etc. which is inspired by laziness causes a great wastage of water. Which can be simply avoided by throwing the dry waste in the dustbin.

12. Use a Toilet System with Water Sense

Just like the showerhead, water sense technology is now available in toilet systems too. There is no control of the amount of water used during flush in the normal toilet. And it cannot be controlled manually as well. So, the best option is to install a toilet with water sense technology to save the extra amount of water that is being wasted.

13. You Can Try Dual Flush Toilets


Technology has advanced in all sectors and the toilet sector is also not much behind. There are various types of new technologies being used in our private mates. One such technology is being used in dual flush toilets. It uses half flush for the liquid waste and full flush for the solid waste. Hence, saving a lot of water.

14. Use Low-Flow Toilets


Using low-flow toilets is also a great way to save water. These toilets use less flow of water giving the same experience as the normal traditional toilets.

3. Laundry

15. Use Correct Amount Of Water In Laundry


We tend to overuse water while in Laundry and this causes water wastage. It’s better to use the correct amount of water which is required.

16. Start Reusing Towels


Re-using towels sometimes is not an unhealthy practice. You can re-use the same towel for quite some time before it needs to be washed. Start doing this at home or even at hotels.

17. Don’t Overload Your Washer


Every appliance has its own capacity and the same goes for the washing machine. Overloading it may cause leakage problems in the washer leading to wastage of water. It’s better to load your machine according to its capacity.

18. Only Wash Your Clothes When Needed


Most of the time we misjudge the time when our clothes need washing. This results in us washing them more frequently than necessary which leads to the extra water being wasted. It’s better to be a little serious about washing clothes and to only wash them when necessary.

4. Others

19. Check For Leaks


Just like your kitchen, a great amount of water gets wasted because of leaks in faucets or pipes. And these leaks are very subtle and don’t catch your eye quickly. So, it is essential to perform regular checks to find leaks and immediately get them repaired if found any.

20. Close The Tap While Brushing


Many people forgot to close the tap while brushing which leads to water wastage. So, please be conscious of your actions and close the tap when not in use. Most of the water wasted in the bathroom gets wasted due to this. You will be saving a great amount of water by just being extra careful.

21. Plug The Sink While Using Razor


Washing your razor under running water also causes a great amount of water loss. This extra amount of water that is being wasted can be saved by plugging the sink while using a razor instead of washing it in direct running water.

22. Call GreenPlumber For Tips


You can call a professional plumber who has knowledge about water conservation. After taking an insight into your bathroom, he can give you tips about optimizing your bathroom for saving water.

23. Install Water Saving Aerators


Just like the kitchen, installing water-saving aerators will be a great idea to save water. What it does is reduces the flow of water in the faucet and gives control to you. You can then use it to regulate the flow of water accordingly.

24. Be Attentive While Washing Hands


This is another big cause of the wastage of water in the bathroom. People tend to open the tap and leave it when they are applying soap before washing hands. Little by little, you can save a great amount of water by just synchronizing the opening of the tap with your hand movements.

25. Use The Greywater For Plants


You can ask your plumber to change the direction of the grey water from sewer lines to nearby plants. This will help in plants getting the water instead of it being wasted in the drains.


Water Conservation in Lawn & Garden

The next place where a great amount of water gets wasted in the garden area. People who are fond of gardening passionately plant flowers and stuff. But, they forget the water conservation part and wastewater. With these simple and effective ways, you can become a responsible gardener and save water in your garden.

1. Lawn

1. Install A Lawn That Matches With Climate


A lawn that doesn’t match with the climate of that particular area when installed leads to water being wasted. It is necessary to know about the type of lawn which you are installing and whether it is compatible with your area or not.

2. Use Aeration In Your Lawn


Aeration is a process of proper circulation of air through various sources. In our case, it’s the garden. Aerating your lawn helps in the proper movement of the water when watering it. The lawn gets watered properly in less amount of water due to proper circulation.

3. Water Your Lawn Only When Needed


Your lawn needs to be watered only twice or thrice a week. You should not cross this number and overwater your lawn. It’s a good step to conserve water.

4. Plant Grass in Proper Areas


Planting grass must be done with utmost care and in the correct position. Don’t plant them in areas where it gets hard to water them such as inclined places where water flows downwards. In such places, much more water is required which causes wastage of it.

5. Don’t Panic During Winters


It is a common phenomenon of lawns turning brown during the winter season. During this time, the grass goes in a dormant state and it needs very less water than normal. Water only once a week will be enough. And sometimes you won’t even have to water it if it rains.

2. Garden

6. Plant Native Species


Installing foreign species of plants that are not from your region can be a bad idea. Because they need much more water to thrive than the native plants. So, if you are thinking of planting then make sure to buy native plants & flowers only. This will save a lot of extra water.

7. Prevent Evaporation Of Water From Your Plants


There are many plants that die due to extreme heat and the evaporation of water. And in keeping them alive, you need to water them much more frequently than normal. So, it’s better to keep them in places where they remain cool and the water loss through evaporation is less.

8. Plant Your Garden In Spring


There is a lot of rainfall during the spring season. So, planting your garden during this season is a very good idea because you will not have to water the plants frequently. Which thus helps in conserving water.

9. Use Xeriscaping


Xeriscaping is a way of designing lawns and gardens in a way that they don’t require too much irrigation. These types of gardens thrive in very less amount of water and save a lot of it.

10. Use Fertilizer In Limit


Fertilizers are a good source of nutrition for your plants. But, overusing them reduces the water content present in the soil. It’s better to use them in moderation.

11. Use A Can For Watering


Using a can for watering your plant gives you control over how much water is being used. You can save a lot of water by only using the required amount of water.

12. Identify Symptoms Of Overwatering

Whenever you see algae growing in your garden, it is a clear indication that you are overwatering and it should be reduced. This small observation can save a lot of water which was going to be wasted in the future.

13. Start Using Rain Barrel

A rain barrel is a container used to collect rainwater. You can also try collecting rainwater in it for use in your garden. It is a great way of harvesting rainwater and also conserving water.

14. Water In Cooler Times Of The Day


It is a great idea to water your garden in the early mornings or late evenings. Mainly because during this time of the day, the temperature is cooler which means that the water will not evaporate much. And hence, you can conserve water from getting wasted.

15. Don’t water in Windy Days


Watering your plants on days when it’s windy is a bad idea because most of the water will evaporate. So, avoid watering your garden during windy days. This is a quick hack for saving water.

16. Plants With The Same Kind Of Water Needs Must Be Planted Together


This simple hack can save a lot of water from being wasted. Planting plants with similar kinds of water needs together leads to them getting watered the desired amount. You will not overwater or underwater anyone of them as they all need the same amount of water.

17. Start Using IceCubes 


This may sound absurd but using ice cubes for watering the hanging plants is a great way of conserving water. As there will be no overflow of water in the hanging pots or baskets due to gravity. This will also protect that whole area from getting dirty.

18. Drip Irrigation Is The Best


Drip irrigation is one of the best ways to conserve water while gardening. In this system, drops of water are used for watering plants, and the pipes are placed above the surface or buried inside. It maximizes the chance of the roots getting proper water and also stops the water from getting evaporated.

3. Others

19. Irrigation System Should Be Properly Installed


You should be careful while installing the irrigation system. It must be installed in such a way that there is less wastage of water.

20. Use Water Sense Technology


Using the water sense technology in irrigation helps in reducing the wastage of water. You can buy irrigators with water sense technology to conserve water.

21. Keep A Check Of Your Sprinklers


People don’t pay attention to the sprinklers whether they are watering the desired areas or not. It is a good practice of keeping an eye on them to stop the wastage of unnecessary water. You can also turn them off if it’s going to rain.

22. Know How To Stop The Automatic Watering System


You must know how to stop the automatic water system in times such as during rain. Otherwise, it will be a great water waste if your automatic watering system continues to water even during rains.

23. You Can Put Rain Sensors In The Sprinkler


Using rain or wet sensors in the sprinkler stops the extra wastage of water during rain. As the sensors automatically get the idea if it is raining and hence stop the sprinkler.

24. Hire A Professional For Setting Up Your System

If you have a doubt about your skills in setting up the irrigation system. Then, it’s a good idea to hire a pro instead. As he will be able to set up your irrigation system properly which will limit the chances of water getting wasted.

25. Gather More Knowledge About Landscaping

There are many classes available that teach various water-effective techniques for gardening. You can attend these classes to increase your knowledge about this stuff. And apply those concepts in your garden to conserve water.

26. Start Collecting Roof Water

It is a good practice of collecting roof water. You can do it by installing downspouts which will collect the roof water and stop it from getting wasted.

27. Direct The Roof Water

Only collecting the rainwater is not enough, you can make complete use of this by diverting the collected water towards the plants which need to be watered frequently.

28. Use More Broom & Less Hose

Using a broom for washing the sidewalks and patios saves a lot of water. The flow of water in the hose is much more than required which results in water being wasted.

29. Keep The Soil Cooler

Keeping the soil cooler helps in preventing water loss through evaporation. You can do this by allowing the dried leaves to accumulate on the surface.

30. Take Care Of Your Pipes During Winter

Especially during winters, when the temperature goes below freezing levels,  the water collected in the pipes gets frozen leading to the pipe getting burst. You can prevent this by keeping a frequent check on your pipe and insulating it.


Other Indoor Water Conservation

You can conserve water not just in the kitchen, bathroom, or lawn. There are other areas of our house as well where water is wasted such as swimming, car washing, workplace, etc. By just following a few simple rules, we can stop water from getting wasted in these places.

1. Swimming Pool

1. Keep Your Swimming Pool Covered


Always keep your swimming pool covered when not in use to protect the water from getting evaporated. You can also save water from getting evaporated by keeping the water cool.

2. Use Replaced Pool Water For Plants

It is possible to use the old water which is being replaced to water the plants. There are many plants that are salt-tolerant, so you can use this water on them instead of throwing it.

3. Don’t Install Spray Fountain

People like to install small spray fountains in their backyard. But during summers, this same fountain becomes a hotspot for water wastage due to evaporation. If you are fond of fountains then you can install the trickling ones. The water in them doesn’t get evaporated easily which helps in conserving water

4. Don’t Use Pool Heater Often


Frequent use of pool heaters in the swimming pool is also a big reason for the evaporation of water. You should limit its usage and only use it when it is needed the most.

5. Don’t Overfill Your Pool


Overfilling your pool leads to a huge amount of water wastage because of splashing. You should place a limit till where your pool should be filled and it won’t splash.

2. Car Washing

6. Wash Your Car On The Lawn


You can park your car on the lawn and then wash it. This will help in watering the grass as well. And in this way, you will be using the same water for two purposes.

7. Turn The Hose During Washing Your Car

There are instances during car washing where you don’t actually need the water from the hose. You can turn off the hose in such situations to avoid unnecessary wastage of water.

8. Use Pistol Grip In The Hose

Pistol grip increases the efficiency of the hose by many folds. This also prevents extra wastage of water. You will have a much comfortable experience washing your car with this grip.

9. Self-Service Car Washes Are The Best


The self-service car washes reduce the wastage of water to the least amount. You should make use of them whenever possible.

10. Use Bucket And Sponge For Car Washing

This may be a task that will require some time and hard work. But, the amount of water which you will save is huge. Once in a while, you can try washing your car with a bucket and sponge instead of a hose.

3. Work Place

11. Try Installing Sub-Meters In Workplace


If you are an owner of a workplace and are concerned about water being wasted. You can install a sub-meter to keep a check on daily water usage. This will help you to come up with a plan to reduce the wastage of water.

12. Recycle The Processed Water


If your space uses processed water then it’s better to recycle it for other purposes. In this way, you will end up saving a huge amount of water daily.

13. Create A Water Saving Goal


Making goals for conserving water are a fun and good way of saving water by taking it as a challenge. You may also celebrate if you reached your goal.

14. Use Air Coolers Instead Of Water Coolers


Using WaterSense appliances is a great way to save water automatically. You can install them in your workspace instead of the ordinary ones. 

15. Use WaterSense Appliances


This may be a task that will require some time and hard work. But, the amount of water which you will save is huge. Once in a while, you can try washing your car with a bucket and sponge instead of a hose.

16. Lead By Example

If you are at the high post, then you can set an example for others by conserving water daily. This will encourage your fellow workmates.

17. Call Maintenance Guy Regularly


You should get your workplace checked regularly by an expert for any leaks or other issues.

18. Place Water Tips In Your Space

You can place tips for saving water in your workplace. This will always keep reminding you of your duty as a citizen to save water.

19. Use Water Bottle In The Work Space


You should always carry a water bottle with you. In this way, you save water by not using faucets regularly.

20. Ask your Work Mates For Suggestions


You may ask your fellow workmates for suggestions on water conservation. In this way, everyone will get involved in this cause.


Home Water Conservation for Kids

Water conservation is not the job of only adults. It should be taught to kids as well. We must educate them from childhood about the need for water conservation.

1. Ask Them To Properly Close The Faucet


Children often forget to tightly close the faucet. This leads to a lot of water being wasted due to leakage. You should teach your kids to properly close the faucet after using it.

2. Promote The Use Of Water Bottles

When sending your kid to school always hand them a bottle of water. Which they can re-fill again when finished. In this way, they won’t have to drink water directly from the faucet.

3. Don’t Buy Toys That Require Water

There are many water toys available in the market which require a direct flow of water to work. You should not buy these types of toys as they cause a serious level of water wastage.

4. Ask Your Kid’s School


As a responsible parent, you can ask your kid’s school about promoting water conservation among students. 

5. Reward Your Kids For Saving Water


This is a very healthy practice that should be done to encourage the kids to save water.

6. Ask Them Not To Throw Water In Sink


Many children have this common habit of not drinking the full glass of water and then throwing the left-over water in the sink. You should encourage them to stop this habit.



Conserving water is the need of the hour. And everyone should contribute in any way which they can. Not all of these mentioned points can be practiced by everyone, but still, there are many points which we can apply to our life and conserve water.

Share these tips with your close ones and make them aware of water conservation.

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